Category: News

CLA takes first place!

The Student Voice and Leadership group (Mariah, Joanna, Jesus Q., Cleo, and Deijah) presented their policy plan at the DPS 5280 Challenge on Tuesday, April 18th. Out of 21 schools competing, the CLA team took first place and won aContinue Reading

BESS Survey

Students, click this link to access the BESS survey.

DPS wants your feedback! Take the Your Voice survey today

Take the DPS Your Voice/Tu Voz Survey Today! Your survey answers are helping DPS make changes and improve!Please help us again! Survey answers are confidential.Questions? Call the FACE Help Line at 720-423-3054.You can also find the survey at ThankContinue Reading


Our girls volleyball and co-ed volleyball teams kick off their season this Friday. Come out and show your support! 4:15, 5, 5:45, and 6:30 pm at The Courts Sports Complex, 11295 Washington St., Northglenn 80233

Check Out Our New Website!

We’re pleased to have a new website to more easily share news and information about our school and students. As with all things new, we know there may be an adjustment period and we appreciate your feedback. Please let usContinue Reading

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